5 Simple Techniques For CBD et recherche scientifique

Cannabidiol (CBD) has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential health benefits and its association with cannabis. CBD is a natural compound found in the cannabis plant, but it does not have the psychoactive effects commonly associated with marijuana use. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various aspects of CBD, including its origins, extraction methods, potential health benefits, and legal status. Whether you are a curious individual or considering incorporating CBD into your wellness routine, this guide will provide you with valuable insights.

Origins and Extraction Methods

CBD is one of many cannabinoids present in cannabis plants. It can be derived from both marijuana and hemp plants, although hemp is the primary source due to its low THC content. THC is the psychoactive compound responsible for the "high" associated with marijuana use, whereas CBD does not have these mind-altering effects.

The extraction of CBD involves various methods, with the most common being CO2 extraction and ethanol extraction. CO2 extraction is considered the gold standard as it yields a pure and potent CBD extract. This method uses pressurized carbon dioxide to extract the cannabinoids from the plant material. Ethanol extraction involves soaking the plant in ethanol to separate the CBD from the rest of the plant components.

Potential Health Benefits

CBD has been the subject of extensive research to explore its potential health benefits. While more studies are needed to establish conclusive evidence, early research and anecdotal reports suggest that CBD may have several therapeutic properties. Here are some of the potential health benefits associated with CBD:

Pain Relief: CBD has been studied for its analgesic properties and its potential to alleviate chronic pain, including conditions such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis. It is believed that CBD interacts with receptors in the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating pain.

Anxiety and Depression: Preliminary studies suggest that CBD may have anxiolytic and antidepressant effects, making it a potential alternative for individuals struggling with anxiety disorders and depression. CBD is thought to interact with serotonin receptors in the brain, which are involved in mood regulation.

Neuroprotective Properties: CBD has shown promise in studies focused on neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. It is believed that CBD's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may help protect brain cells from damage.

Epilepsy: One of the most well-established uses of CBD is in the treatment of epilepsy, particularly in children with severe forms of epilepsy CBD isolé that do not respond well to traditional medications. In fact, there is an FDA-approved CBD medication called Epidiolex for the treatment of certain types of epilepsy.

Sleep Disorders: CBD has gained popularity among individuals struggling with sleep disorders, such as insomnia. Some studies suggest that CBD may improve sleep quality by reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.

Other Potential Benefits: CBD is also being explored for its potential in managing symptoms related to conditions such as acne, addiction, cancer-related symptoms, and high blood pressure. However, further research is needed to confirm these effects.

Forms of CBD Products

CBD products come in various forms to suit different preferences and needs. Here are some of the most common types of CBD products:

CBD Oil: CBD oil is one of the most popular forms of CBD. It is made by diluting CBD extract with a carrier oil, such as hemp seed oil or MCT oil. CBD oil is typically taken sublingually (under the tongue) for faster absorption into the bloodstream.

Capsules and Pills: CBD capsules and pills provide a convenient and precise way to consume CBD. They contain pre-measured doses of CBD and are swallowed like any other supplement.

Edibles: CBD-infused edibles, such as gummies, chocolates, and beverages, are a tasty and discreet way to consume CBD. Edibles may take longer to take effect compared to other methods due to the digestion process.

Topicals: CBD topicals include creams, lotions, and balms that are applied directly to the skin. These products are commonly used for localized relief, such as muscle soreness or joint pain.

Vaping: CBD vape products are inhaled using a vaporizer or vape pen. Vaping allows for quick absorption of CBD into the bloodstream but may carry certain risks associated with vaping itself.

Other Forms: CBD can also be found in products such as sprays, tinctures, and even as an ingredient in skincare and beauty products.

Dosage and Safety Considerations

Determining the appropriate CBD dosage can be challenging, as it varies depending on factors such as body weight, individual tolerance, and the desired effects. It is recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until the desired results are achieved.

CBD is generally considered safe, and significant side effects are rare. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects, including drowsiness, dry mouth, diarrhea, or changes in appetite. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking other medications, to ensure CBD is safe for you.

Legal Status of CBD

The legal status of CBD varies from country to country and within different jurisdictions. In many countries, CBD extracted from hemp plants with less than 0.3% THC is legal, while CBD derived from marijuana may be subject to stricter regulations. However, it is important to research and understand the specific laws and regulations in your region before purchasing or using CBD products.


CBD has emerged as a promising natural remedy with potential health benefits. While research is still ongoing, the available evidence suggests that CBD may be useful in managing pain, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, and various other conditions. It is important to note that CBD is not a miracle cure, and individual results may vary. If you are considering using CBD, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it is suitable for your specific circumstances. Additionally, always purchase CBD products from reputable sources and be aware of the legal status in your area.

The Single Best Strategy To Use For buy nitrazepam 10mg

Nitrazepam is a widely used medication primarily prescribed for the short-term treatment of insomnia and anxiety disorders. While obtaining medications from local pharmacies is the conventional approach, many individuals now prefer the convenience and cost-effectiveness of purchasing them online. This guide aims to provide valuable insights into buying nitrazepam online at affordable prices, ensuring safety, legality, and the best possible deals.

Understanding Nitrazepam:

Before delving into the process of buying nitrazepam online, it is essential to understand the medication itself. Nitrazepam belongs to the benzodiazepine class of drugs, known for their sedative and hypnotic properties. It acts by enhancing the effects of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, thereby promoting relaxation and inducing sleep. Nitrazepam is available under various brand names and comes in different strengths.

Research and Legitimacy:

When buying nitrazepam online, the first step is to conduct thorough research to ensure the legitimacy and credibility of the platforms you consider. Look for online pharmacies that are licensed and reputable, preferably with positive reviews from previous customers. Verify their credentials, such as certification from regulatory authorities like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or equivalent organizations in your country.

Prescription Requirements:

Nitrazepam is a prescription-only medication in most countries, which means you will need a valid prescription from a healthcare professional to purchase it legally. Avoid websites that offer nitrazepam without requesting a prescription, as they may be engaging in illegal practices or selling counterfeit products. Online platforms that prioritize safety and compliance will typically ask for a prescription before allowing you to make a purchase.

Comparing Prices:

One of the significant advantages of buying nitrazepam online is the ability to compare prices across different platforms. Take advantage of this opportunity to find the most affordable option without compromising on quality and safety. Keep in mind that extremely low prices can be a red flag for counterfeit or substandard products, so exercise caution. Consider both the medication's cost and any additional fees, such as shipping or consultation charges.

International vs. Domestic Purchases:

Another aspect to consider is whether to opt for international or domestic online pharmacies. International pharmacies may offer lower prices due to variations in drug regulations and manufacturing costs. However, be aware of potential delays in shipping and customs regulations when ordering from abroad. Domestic purchases may provide faster delivery times and easier communication if any issues arise.

Security and Privacy:

Ensure that the online pharmacy you choose prioritizes security and privacy. Look for platforms that use encryption technology to protect your personal and financial information during transactions. Check their privacy policy to understand how they handle and store your data. Reputable online pharmacies will prioritize the confidentiality of your information and provide secure payment options.

Quality Assurance:

Purchasing medications online requires careful consideration of quality assurance measures. Look for online pharmacies that source their products from reputable manufacturers. Genuine nitrazepam should have proper packaging, clear labeling, and identifiable batch or lot numbers. Additionally, ensure that the online pharmacy follows good storage practices to maintain the medication's efficacy and safety during transit.

Customer Support:

Reliable customer support is crucial when buying nitrazepam online. A reputable online pharmacy should have accessible customer service channels, such as email, phone, or live chat, to address any concerns or queries you may have. Prompt and knowledgeable responses from customer support representatives can provide reassurance and help you make informed decisions.

Shipping and Delivery:

Consider the shipping and delivery options offered by online pharmacies. Reliable platforms will have secure packaging to protect the medication during transit and provide tracking information to monitor the delivery process. Some online pharmacies may offer free or discounted shipping options based on order value or location. It is advisable to choose a shipping method that ensures the timely and safe arrival of your nitrazepam while considering any additional costs involved.

Return and Refund Policies:

Review the return and refund policies of the online pharmacy before making a purchase. Reliable platforms often have clear guidelines on returns and refunds in case of damaged or incorrect products. Familiarize yourself with the process and any associated costs, such as shipping fees for returns. A reputable online pharmacy will prioritize customer satisfaction and address any issues promptly and professionally.

Online Reviews and Recommendations:

Before finalizing your decision, take the time to read online reviews and recommendations from other customers. Look for platforms with positive feedback regarding product quality, customer service, and overall user experience. Be cautious of suspiciously positive or overly negative reviews, as they may be biased or fake. Multiple reliable sources of feedback can help you gauge the reputation and reliability of the online pharmacy.

Legal Considerations:

Ensure that purchasing nitrazepam online is legal in your country or region. The regulations surrounding online medication sales can vary, so it is essential to be well-informed. In some cases, import restrictions or customs regulations may apply, and it is crucial to comply with any legal requirements. Familiarize yourself with the specific laws governing online purchases of medications in your jurisdiction to avoid any potential legal issues.

Consultation with a Healthcare Professional:

While this guide provides insights into buying nitrazepam online, it is important to emphasize the significance of consulting with a healthcare professional. Nitrazepam is a potent medication that should be used under medical supervision. Discuss your condition, symptoms, and treatment options with a qualified e 16 pill healthcare provider who can provide appropriate guidance and prescribe the medication if necessary.

Risks and Precautions:

Before using nitrazepam, it is important to be aware of potential risks and precautions associated with its use. Nitrazepam can cause drowsiness, dizziness, and impaired coordination. It may also have interactions with other medications or substances, so it is crucial to disclose your complete medical history and current medications to your healthcare provider. Follow the prescribed dosage and duration, and avoid alcohol and activities requiring alertness until you understand how nitrazepam affects you.


Buying nitrazepam online at affordable prices can be a convenient and cost-effective option when done responsibly. Prioritize safety, legality, and quality assurance by researching reputable online pharmacies, ensuring prescription requirements are met, and comparing prices and services. Remember to prioritize your health and consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate guidance and supervision throughout your treatment. With thorough research and careful considerations, you can find a reliable online source for nitrazepam that offers both affordability and quality.

The best Side of Creative Researchers London

The creative industry thrives on innovation, originality, and the constant pursuit of new ideas. Research and development (R&D) play a vital role in this sector by fueling creativity, expanding boundaries, and driving growth. In this guide, we will explore the key principles, methodologies, and strategies involved in creative industry research and development. Whether you're an aspiring artist, a creative entrepreneur, or a professional in the field, this guide will provide you with valuable insights to help you navigate the exciting world of creative R&D.

Understanding the Creative Industry Landscape:
Defining the Creative Industry:
Explore the various sectors encompassed within the creative industry, such as visual arts, performing arts, design, fashion, advertising, film, music, and more.

Current Trends and Challenges:
Gain an understanding of the latest trends shaping the creative industry, including technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, sustainability, and globalization. Identify the challenges faced by the industry and how R&D can address them.

Importance of Research and Development in the Creative Industry:
Driving Innovation:
Discover how R&D stimulates innovation by encouraging experimentation, pushing boundaries, and challenging conventional thinking.

Enhancing Competitiveness:
Learn how creative R&D can give businesses a competitive edge by creating unique products, services, or experiences that resonate with consumers.

Supporting Creative Talent:
Explore how R&D initiatives can nurture and support emerging artists and creators, providing them with opportunities for growth, mentorship, and collaboration.
Key Elements of Creative Industry Research and Development:

Idea Generation:
Discover techniques for generating new ideas, such as brainstorming sessions, mind mapping, trend analysis, and exploring interdisciplinary collaborations.

Concept Development:
Learn how to refine and develop ideas into viable concepts through research, prototyping, user testing, and feedback loops.

Intellectual Property:
Understand the importance of protecting intellectual property in the creative industry and explore strategies for safeguarding your creations, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and licensing agreements.

Funding and Resources:
Explore different funding options available for creative R&D projects, including grants, sponsorships, crowdfunding, and public-private partnerships. Additionally, learn how to leverage available resources such as research institutions, industry associations, and technology incubators.
Methodologies and Approaches for Creative R&D:

Qualitative Research:
Explore methods like interviews, focus groups, and ethnographic research to gain deep insights into consumer preferences, needs, and behaviors.

Quantitative Research:
Understand how surveys, data analytics, and market research can provide statistical data and trends to inform decision-making and validate creative concepts.

Collaborative Approaches:
Discover the benefits of collaborative R&D models, such as open innovation, co-creation, and partnerships with academia, industry Research Creative and Cultural Industries experts, and other creative professionals.

Experimentation and Iteration:
Embrace an iterative approach to R&D, emphasizing rapid prototyping, user feedback, and continuous improvement to refine creative ideas and solutions.

Managing Creative Industry R&D Projects:

Planning and Execution:
Learn how to develop a comprehensive R&D project plan, including setting clear goals, defining timelines, allocating resources, and establishing key performance indicators (KPIs).

Team Building and Collaboration:
Explore strategies for assembling a multidisciplinary team with diverse skills and expertise, fostering a collaborative environment, and promoting effective communication.

Risk Management:
Understand the potential risks associated with creative R&D projects and develop strategies to mitigate them, including contingency planning, intellectual property protection, and compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Measuring Success: Identify appropriate metrics and evaluation methods to assess the impact and success of creative R&D initiatives, including artistic quality, market impact, revenue generation, customer satisfaction, and brand recognition.

Ethical Considerations in Creative Industry R&D:

Cultural Sensitivity:
Understand the importance of cultural sensitivity and respect when conducting R&D in diverse communities, and learn how to avoid appropriation or misrepresentation of cultural elements.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact:
Explore sustainable practices and eco-friendly approaches in creative R&D to minimize the industry's environmental footprint and promote responsible consumption.

Ethical Use of Data:
Ensure ethical handling and protection of user data collected during research activities, adhering to privacy laws and regulations.

Social Impact:
Consider the potential social impact of creative R&D projects and explore ways to create positive change, address societal issues, and promote inclusivity and diversity.
VII. Case Studies and Success Stories:

Innovative Products and Services:
Explore case studies highlighting successful creative R&D initiatives that have resulted in groundbreaking products or services, such as disruptive technologies, immersive experiences, or innovative business models.

Collaborative Projects:
Learn from examples of successful collaborations between artists, designers, researchers, and industry partners, showcasing the power of interdisciplinary cooperation in driving creative R&D.

Socially Impactful Projects:
Discover inspiring examples of creative R&D projects that have made a significant difference in addressing social and environmental challenges, fostering positive change, and improving communities.

Creative industry research and development is a dynamic and essential process that drives innovation, fuels creativity, and shapes the future of the industry. By understanding the unique landscape of the creative industry, embracing key principles and methodologies, and managing R&D projects effectively, individuals and organizations can unlock new possibilities and stay ahead in this ever-evolving field. Remember, the journey of creative R&D is as important as the destination, so embrace experimentation, collaboration, and continuous improvement to unleash your creative potential and make a lasting impact in the creative industry.

Getting My fabric shopping To Work

And like all personal choices, we each have our own reasons and rationales for committing to our lifestyle decisions. While some may prefer capsule wardrobes for their simplicity and ease, others might see owning less as a creative challenge. And although one might edit their closet simply to save money, another does so to reduce the harmful environmental and social costs of ownership.

Enter VETTA’s favorite lean closet bloggers, each with their own idiosyncratic philosophies behind their wardrobes. And while it might be intuitive to think minimal wardrobes equate to a single, particular aesthetic, these bloggers' styles range from classic-prep to European tomboy. These women will provide you with capsule wardrobe how-to's, brands to shop, daily outfit inspiration, and most importantly, proof that curating a lean closet is a personal choice worth making.

Caroline Rector of Unfancy
With her "mix and match and repeat" philosophy, Unfancy's Caroline Rector went a full year with only 37 pieces in her closet. While Caroline's structured capsule experiment is over, she still maintains a small closet filled only with intentional purchases and continues to share her clean, classic looks on her site. We love Unfancy because it’s essentially a capsule wardrobe playbook, with piece-by-piece inspiration for any season or special occasion. For those looking to adopt a leaner closet, check out Caroline’s post, "How To DIY a Capsule.”

We asked Caroline why she continues to populate her closet with only the essentials. “I do it because it's calming. It's a way to invite peace into my life, almost like meditation or yoga. It reminds me that I don't have to chase; I can be happy with a lot less. Practicing contentment with something small, like my closet, allows me to get better at it in other areas of my life, too.” For Caroline, keeping a lean wardrobe goes far beyond the clothes themselves. On Unfancy, a capsule wardrobe makes for a calm and clutter-free mind.

Lee Vosburgh of Style Bee
In 2013, Lee Vosburgh began her blog Style Bee (http://www.stylebee.ca), which has evolved into one of the most influential lean closet websites online today. Based in Guelph, Ontario, Lee has gained recognition from fashion influencers like Refinery29 and FLARE for her relaxed-chic style and timeless ensembles. Minimalists credit Lee for the booming popularity of the “10x10 Wardrobe Challenge,” in which participants pick 10 items from their current closet and style those exclusive items for 10 days.

When asked why she keeps a lean closet, Lee tells VETTA, "I keep a lean closet for peace of mind. Having only functional pieces I love to wear makes getting ready a pleasure instead of a dilemma!" Style Bee works to inspire readers to get creative with what they have, reminding us that getting dressed should be both fun and effortless.

Candice Tay
Toronto-based Candice Tay’s eponymous site is one of our go-to blogs for slow-fashion style inspiration, sustainable lifestyle tips and additional resources for building a capsule wardrobe. As she started her own journey to be a more conscious consumer in 2018, she writes that “Beginning this blog has taught me so much about the fashion industry and how detrimental it has been to our earth and to humans in the past decades. I want to be a part of that change”. Her minimal aesthetic shows you that you can create unique looks with a smaller closet. We have found her reviews of slow-fashion brands and categories extremely helpful for making thoughtful, new purchases.

Maria Lee of Gold Zipper
Taking the 10x10 challenge to new heights, Maria Lee wore one simple black dress for one month straight. Although she lives in New York City, Maria's extended capsule wardrobe looks like that of a polished Parisian girl. Her blog, Gold Zipper, aims to be a resource for anyone interested in becoming an owner, rather than a consumer, of clothing. "I believe that we buy more clothing than we could fabrics possibly ever need or use,” Maria tells VETTA. “We're so far removed from the lifecycle of a garment from raw textile to landfill that we don't realize the amount of responsibility we assume in clothing ownership.” Maria’s rationale for a capsule wardrobe is two-fold - she’s conscious of the social and environmental impacts of owning an excess of clothing, in addition to keeping a lean closet for stylistic purposes.

Maria also creates stunning, narrative videos in the city, chronicling her outfits and creating deeper, almost philosophical, dialogues around fashion and personal style. “I also keep a lean closet to curate aesthetic unity in my wardrobe,” Maria explains. “I was drawn to this idea because I'm fascinated by personal identity and self-presentation through clothing. When I have a lean wardrobe I know my clothes intimately, and consequently, I feel more comfortable in them."

Andrea Hartman of Seasons + Salt
Passionate about both ethical fashion and capsule wardrobes, Andrea Hartman of Seasons + Salt shares VETTA's mission - and we love it! Encouraging readers to "get off the fast fashion carousel" and think about how and where they get their clothes, Andrea's wardrobe ideology is centered around simplicity and quality pieces. The minimalist-with-a-twist looks on Seasons + Salt will give normcore-lovers new ideas for old pieces.

Andrea also does really helpful product reviews on essential wardrobe staples, like her “Leather Tote Review” where she compares three leather totes from Madewell, FashionABLE, and Cuyana. "For me, a lean closet is a vehicle to define my style, increase simplicity in my life, and buy responsibly-made items," Andrea shares with VETTA.

Deb Shephard of Clothed in Abundance
Deb Shephard encourages her readers to redefine living in abundance by making space and having appreciation for what we have. She covers topics ranging from minimalist fashion, mental health and money, while also providing downloadable worksheets and guides to help you on your journey to capsule wardrobes and minimalist lifestyle. Deb defines minimalism as ‘simplifying your life to live out your core values without societal pressure’ and is a huge advocate for de-cluttering your mind in order to focus on what matters most. We love her daily outfit posts and her 5 x 5 challenges featuring ethical fashion and her thrifted finds.

Allison Karaba of The Thoughtful Closet
With her blog The Thoughtful Closet, Allison Karaba hopes to encourage others to refrain from shopping for the sake of shopping and start doing more with what's already in their closets. “You don't have to keep buying clothes to evolve your style; sometimes it's just looking at what you already have a little differently,” she tells us. Allison's professional meets industrial aesthetic makes for endless cool girl looks for us to steal. The Thoughtful Closet features Allison's "10x10 Challenge" looks, styling tips, and our favorite -- her holiday guides and wish lists full of simple and versatile gifts and pieces.

From the first time she considered a lean wardrobe to the present-day Thoughtful Closet, Allison walks us through the evolution of her closet philosophy. “I first decided to try living with a minimal wardrobe after I looked at my closet, which was overflowing with clothes, and felt like I had nothing to wear. It was made up of tons of mediocre pieces and I honestly had no idea how to describe my style because everything was so random. I decided to cut down and focus on pieces that I truly loved and go from there. I also wanted to focus on a lean closet to help me with my shopping habits. I would always go shopping if I had a special event or trip coming up. But now with my lean closet I try to look at what I have and create something that feels new. A phrase that keeps floating around is ‘creativity loves constraint’ and I am a 100% believer in that statement.”

Jasmine Hwang of The Pleb Life
In 2017, Jasmine Hwang and her boyfriend Brandon set out to live a more sustainable and ethical lifestyle. Inspired by reducing her wardrobe by 70% in the first year alone, Jasmine uses The Pleb Life to document her on-going journey of building a capsule wardrobe with honesty and authenticity. She is not afraid to redefine her capsule rules, find new ways to implement low-buy/low-spend initiatives and makes an excellent case for having 5 black jumpsuits in her wardrobe. We love her 30x30 challenges, where she selects 30 items to wear for 30 days (including loungewear and shoes!) all photographed in sunny Southern California.

According to Jasmine, "Decluttering is the act of removing unnecessary clutter from your life; while minimalism is the act of living with enough and whatever 'enough' means to you. Minimalism asks you to challenge all the should’s of success and to find your optimal amount of possessions to be happy." We couldn't agree more.

Jessica Doll of Hej Doll
San Francisco blogger, Jessica Doll synthesizes her passion for travel and a simple capsule wardrobe to create her blog, Hej Doll. Jessica's sleek, utilitarian outfits lend themselves to great inspiration for those who are always traveling or on-the-go. Our favorite posts on the blog are Jessica’s city guides, each one showcasing her jetsetter looks.

Jessica tells VETTA that she keeps a lean closet to maintain a simpler life. “I save time, money, and energy by limiting my clothing to only those items that I love, feel great in, and know work well together.” Jessica is also a professional photographer, making Hej Doll is an endless archive of beautiful style and travel imagery.

Not known Facts About Recording capability

If you’ve never been hunting before, a rabbit hunt might be the best species to start with. They are easy to clean, versatile in the kitchen, and abundant in every part of Virginia.

The general idea of rabbit hunting is that you have specially trained dogs that love nothing more in the world than to chase after the scent of a rabbit. Typically a few experienced hunters will accompany the dog handler into the thickets where the rabbits like to spend most of their time during the day. The rest of the hunting party will then line up along a road or field where they have a greater field of view to shoot the rabbit when it runs out of the thicket.

If you want to find rabbits, look for the thickest, nastiest patch of briars on the property and start there. The dogs (typically beagles) will wiggle their little butts into the thicket without hesitation, and when they find the scent of the first rabbit, they will alert everyone around with a loud and authoritative howl. The other dogs will run over in a (mostly) single file line to join in the howling. They then continue to wind through the thickets and forests following the rabbit’s path. It’s both amusing and impressive to observe.

This past February, I was able to join my good friend and seasoned rabbit hunter, Jake Huggins. Jake and his wife Casey reside in Powhatan with their newborn girl, Claire, nine rabbit-hunting beagles, and one goldendoodle house dog named Mila. I chatted with Jake about rabbit hunting:

When did you start rabbit hunting and who invited you/took you?
I started going rabbit hunting when I was 5 years old. My dad’s best friend had rabbit dogs and we would go with him every weekend after deer season ended. I’m 25 now and have been hooked ever since that first time my dad took me.

What about rabbit hunting made you so committed that you have nine dedicated rabbit dogs?
I love the action that rabbit hunting provides. You’re up in the briars with the dogs, and it feels like you’re part of a big team working together to try to get that chase going. I love working with the dogs and watching them work together. Each dog’s strength takes care of another dog’s weakness. They pay attention to each other and listen to each other and it’s a really cool thing watching how each dog reacts to one another.

Not only is it fun watching the dogs but it’s a great time trying to get in front of the dogs to harvest the rabbit. A lot of people don’t understand the enjoyment of rabbit hunting, but there is nothing in this world that runs like a rabbit. They’re slick. They’ll run up under old barns or sheds and come hauling out of the other side while the dogs are all right there and then the chase is on again. Rabbits will make you look bad, no matter how good of a shot you think you are, and it’s a great opportunity to get friends and family together in the outdoors to have some fun and trash talk a little bit.

What breed of dogs do you DVR use and why?
All my dogs are short-legged beagles around 13″ tall. I feel this size is perfect for me with the type of terrain I hunt. They’re small enough to get up under the thickest briars, but not too small to where the rabbit gets way out in front of them. I consider my dogs to run an upper medium speed which is fast enough to keep pressure on the rabbit and keep him moving but not too fast to where they will catch the rabbit.

What’s your favorite way to cook a rabbit? My favorite way to cook rabbit meat is to fry it. I will debone the rabbit and cut the rabbit meat into big chicken nugget-sized pieces. I’ll beat it with a meat hammer a couple times on each side, dip it in some whipped up eggs, coat it in a House Autry seafood breading mixed with some other seasonings and put it in the frying pan and cook until it’s golden-brown colored.

How do you recommend someone gets started with rabbit hunting if they’ve never done it before?
If you’ve never rabbit hunted before I definitely recommend trying it at least for the experience. There are a lot of good videos online of people rabbit hunting and having a good time while doing it. I personally won’t rabbit hunt without dogs, so if you know someone with rabbit dogs, ask if they will bring you out. It’s not like sitting in a tree stand and having to be quiet (although that’s also very enjoyable). It’s a different type of hunting. You’re moving around and talking with your friends most of the time, but while the dogs are running it’s best to stay still and quiet to put yourself in a position to get a shot. I typically hunt with five to 10 people. We always know where each other are so we can be as safe as possible, in addition to wearing blaze orange. There’s never a dull moment in the woods, and you definitely see something new every time you go out.

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